An Orphan's Prayer
I was left an orphan many years ago
And hard work I always had to do
God took my mother when I was six you see
And my father died when I was only three
My aunt moved in after my mother passed away
I did not have a mother to teach me how to pray
And I could not go to Sunday school as it was too far away
But I had a faint remembrance of hearing my mother say
When she was so very sick and on the bed she lay
She opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling in the room
And said, "Dear God, help me, and take me home!"
And when I looked at her, she was still as could be,
And I knew then that she had fallen to sleep
But this sleep seemed to have never ended you see
Because they came and took her away from me
One day I went back to the room, where my mother once lay
And got on my knees to learn how to pray
I looked at the ceiling which seemed so very high
And said, "Dear God, please look down at me, and please dear God,
Won't you teach me to pray? And please dear God, move the churches closer to me."
This little prayer was answered and I am so thankful today.
For that little church was built so close to me.
I secured employment, which failed to make me happy.
So I realized that my work must be to teach others to pray,
I am so very happy in an orphan's home today.
Taking the place of a mother teaching orphans how to pray.